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General Reports Reference

Cervantes is a project that uses Scriban, a popular templating engine, along with HTML to generate and automate reports. Here's a brief overview of how it works:

Scriban Syntax

Scriban uses a simple templating language which allows you to create reusable HTML templates. The main syntax elements include:

  • Expressions: These are wrapped in double curly braces {{ }}. For example, {{title}} would render the value of the title property from the provided data.

  • Block expressions: These are similar to expressions but also allow for more complex logic. For example, {{for items in Items}} {{item.Name}} {{end}} would loop over an array of items and render each item. {{tablerow items in Items}} {{item.Name}} {{end}} would loop over an array of items and render each item in a table row.

  • Helpers: These are functions that can be used within the template. You can get more information about the syntax on the Scriban documentation.

WIP: Add more information about the syntax and how to use it.

Loop items in Cervantes

For example, you can loop the document control like this:

{{for vuln in Vulns}}


        <th>Vuln Name</th>
        <th>Vuln Category</th>
        <th>Vuln Description</th>

    <!--{{#each Documents}} --> 



Variables Reference


Variable Description
{{Year}} The current year
{{Today}} The current date
{{{PageBreak}}} Adds a page break


Variable Description
{{OrganizationName}} The name of the organization.
{{OrganizationEmail}} The email of the organization.
{{OrganizationPhone}} The phone of the organization.
{{OrganizationDescription}} The description of the organization.
{{OrganizationContactName}} The contact of the organization.
{{OrganizationUrl}} The url of the organization.


Variable Description
{{ClientName}} The name of the client.
{{ClientEmail}} The email of the client.
{{ClientPhone}} The phone of the client.
{{ClientDescription}} The description of the client.
{{ClientContactName}} The contact of the client.
{{ClientUrl}} The url of the client.


Variable Description
{{ProjectName}} The name of the project.
{{ProjectDescription}} The description of the project.
{{StartDate}} The start date of the project.
{{EndDate}} The end date of the project.
{{ProjectLanguage}} The language of the project.
{{ProjectStatus}} The status of the project.
{{ProjectType}} The type of the project.
{{ProjectScore}} The score type of the project.
{{ProjectExecutiveSummary}} The executive summary of the project

Project Members

Project Members comes in an array of users. So you need yo use the {{for user in Users}} and {{end}}to loop over the array. The following variables are available for each user:

Variable Description
{{UserFullName}} The name of the user member.
{{UserEmail}} The email of the user member.
{{UserPhone}} The phone of the user member.
{{UserDescription}} The description of the user member.
{{UserPosition}} The position of the user member.


The Document Control comes in an array of Documents. So you need yo use the {{for doc in Documents}} and {{end}}to loop over the array. The following variables are available for each documents:

Variable Description
{{DocumentName}} The name of the document.
{{DocumentVersion}} The version of the document.
{{DocumentDescription}} The description of the document.


Targets comes in an array. So you need yo use the {{for target in Targets}} and {{end}}to loop over the array. The following variables are available for each documents:

Variable Description
{{TargetName}} The name of the target.
{{TargetDescription}} The description of the target.
{{TargetType}} The type of the target.


Vulnerabilities comes in an array of vulnerabilities. So you need yo use the {{for vuln in Vulns}} and {{end}} to loop over the array. The following variables are available for each vulnerability:

Variable Description
{{VulnName}} The name of the vulnerability.
{{VulnLanguage}} The description of the vulnerability.
{{VulnFindingId}} The internal finding id of the vulnerability.
{{VulnCve}} The cve of the vulnerability.
{{VulnCwes}} The cwes of the vulnerability.
{{VulnDescription}} The description of the vulnerability.
{{VulnCategory}} The category of the vulnerability.
{{VulnRisk}} The risk associated of the vulnerability.
{{VulnStatus}} The status of the vulnerability.
{{VulnImpact}} The impact of the vulnerability.
{{VulnCvss}} The cvss of the vulnerability.
{{VulnCvssVector}} The cvss vector string of the vulnerability.
{{VulnRemediation}} The remediation of the vulnerability.
{{VulnComplexity}} The remediation complexity of the vulnerability.
{{VulnPriority}} The remediation priority of the vulnerability.
{{VulnJiraCreated}} Boolean if jira ticket is created of the vulnerability.
{{VulnJira}} Jira key of the vulnerability.
{{{VulnPoc}}} The poc of the vulnerability.
{{VulnOwaspRisk}} The owasp risk of the vulnerability.
{{VulnOwaspImpact}} The owasp impact of the vulnerability.
{{VulnOwaspLikelihood}} The owasp likelihood of the vulnerability.
{{VulnOwaspVector}} The owasp vector of the vulnerability.
{{VulnTargets}} The targets of the vulnerability.

The following variables are available for the total number of vulnerabilities (not inside the vuln array):

Variable Description
{{VulnCriticalCount}} The number of critical vulnerabilities inside the project
{{VulnHighCount}} The number of high vulnerabilities inside the project
{{VulnMediumCount}} The number of medium vulnerabilities inside the project
{{VulnLowCount}} The number of low vulnerabilities inside the project
{{VulnInfoCount}} The number of info vulnerabilities inside the project
{{VulnTotalCount}} The total number of vulnerabilities inside the project


Tasks comes in an array. So you need yo use the {{for task in Tasks}} and {{end}} to loop over the array.

The following variables are available for each task:

Variable Description
{{TaskName}} The name of the task.
{{TaskDescription}} The description of the task.
{{TaskStatus}} The status of the task.
{{TaskStartDate}} The start date of the task.
{{TaskEndDate}} The end date of the task.
{{TaskAssignedTo}} The assigned user of the task.
{{TaskCreatedBy}} The user who created the task.


Vaults comes in an array. So you need yo use the {{for vault in Vaults}} and {{end}} to loop over the array.

The following variables are available for each vault:

Variable Description
{{VaultName}} The name of the vault.
{{VaultDescription}} The description of the vault.
{{VaultType}} The type of the vault.
{{VaultCreatedBy}} The status of the vault.
{{VaultCreatedDate}} The status of the vault.
{{VaultValue}} The status of the vault.

Note: In the loop you can use whatever variable name to loop the array for example {{for item in Vaults}} and {{end}}

{{for item in Vulns}}


        <th>Vuln Name</th>
        <th>Vuln Category</th>
        <th>Vuln Description</th>

    <!--{{#each Documents}} --> 

