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When you have access to a workspace you can see the targets pages. This page allows you to manage and upload your targets from an nmap xml file or csv.


Targets list

Create a target

To create a target you need to click on the Create button and fill the form and select the target type .


Create Target

Import targets

To import targets you need to click on the Import button and select the nmap xml or csv file.


Import Target

Edit a target

To edit a target you need to select the target from the datagrid and click on the Edit button at the top right and edit the information.


Edit Target

Delete a target

To delete a target you need to select the target from the datagrid and click on the Delete button at the top right and confirm the action.


Target delete

Also you can delete multiple targets at once by selecting them from the datagrid and click on the Actions -> Delete button at the top confirm the action.


Target delete


To access the services page you need to select a target from the datagrid and click on the Services tab.


Target services

Create a service

To create a service you need to click on the Create button and fill the form.


Create Service

Edit a service

To edit a service you need to select the service from the datagrid and click on the Edit button at the top right and edit the information.


Edit Service

Delete a service

To delete a service you need to select the service from the datagrid and click on the Delete button at the top right and confirm the action.


Service delete

Also you can delete multiple services at once by selecting them from the datagrid and click on the Actions -> Delete button at the top confirm the action.


Service delete