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The vulns page allows you to manage and view your vulnerabilities


Vulns list


You can create templates to create vulnerabilities faster. To create a template you need to click on the Create button and fill the form and enable the template switch.


Create Template

Create a vulnerability

To create a vulnerability you need to click on the Create button and fill the form. Remember that you can select the project that the vulnerability belongs to and also you can add the targets and more.


Create Vulnerability

You can create a vulnerability from a template by clicking on the dropdown Load Vuln Template on the top right.

Edit a vulnerability

To edit a vulnerability you need to select the vulnerability from the datagrid and click on the Edit button at the top right and edit the information.


Edit Vulnerability

Delete a vulnerability

To delete a vulnerability you need to select the vulnerability from the datagrid and click on the Delete button at the top right and confirm the action.


Vulnerability delete

Also you can delete multiple vulnerabilities at once by selecting them from the datagrid and click on the Actions -> Delete button at the top confirm the action.


Vulnerabilities bulk delete


To access the vulnerability details you need to select the vulnerability from the datagrid. On the vulnerability details page you can see the vulnerability information, members, vulnerabilities etc.


Vulnerability details


On the targets tab you can see the targets that the vulnerability has.


Vulnerability targets

To add a target to the vulnerability you need to click on the Add button and select the vulnerability on the dropdown and click on the Add button.


Add target to vulnerability

To delete a target from the vulnerability you need to select the target from the datagrid and confirm the delete action.


Delete target from vulnerability


On the notes tab you can see the notes that the vulnerability has.


Vulnerability notes

To add a note to the vulnerability you need to click on the Add button and select the vulnerability on the dropdown and click on the Add button.


Add note to vulnerability

To edit a note you need to select the note from the datagrid and click on the Edit button at the top right and edit the information.


Edit note from vulnerability

To delete a note from the vulnerability you need to select the note from the datagrid and confirm the delete action.


Delete note from vulnerability


On the attachments tab you can see the attachments that the vulnerability has.


Vulnerability attachments

To add an attachment to the vulnerability you need to click on the Add button and select the vulnerability on the dropdown and click on the Add button.


Add attachment to vulnerability

To download an attachment you need to select the attachment from the datagrid and click on the Download button at the top right and download the attachment.


Edit attachment from vulnerability

To delete an attachment from the vulnerability you need to select the attachment from the datagrid and confirm the delete action.


Delete attachment from vulnerability


On the Jira tab you can see or create the Jira issue associated with the vulnerability. If the vulnerability has a Jira issue you can see the issue information and the comments.


Vulnerability Jira

If the vulnerability doesn't have a Jira issue you can create one by clicking on the Create button.


Create Jira issue